115,000+ Visitors Annually!

115,000+ Visitors Annually!


Standard Terms and Conditions

All invoices must be address and sent to Contact North | Contact Nord, Accounts Payable at:




  1. The Vendor shall display the complete Purchase Order number prominently on all packages, invoices, correspondence, customs documentation, bills of lading and packaging slips and ensure packing slips accompany all shipments.
  2. Payment will be made in Canadian funds Net 30 days from invoice receipt or satisfactory delivery of goods or services whichever is later, unless otherwise noted on the Purchase Order. Cash discounts are calculated from the date of receipt of invoice.
  3. The price on the Purchase Order is the total cost and includes all fees and charges of any kind including patent, permit, inspection, royalty and license fees, charges for crating, boxing, cartage and re-stocking and government tax levies, unless otherwise stated on the Purchase Order.
  4. All applicable taxes are specified on the Purchase Order.
  5. All electrical or electronic components and equipment supplied must have the  Ontario Electrical Safety  Code approval and be certified for the intended use in Canada by a Certified Organization accredited with the Standards Council of Canada Act.
  6. Material Safety Data sheets (MSDS) and appropriate labels must accompany all hazardous products as defined under the Federal Hazardous Products legislation and provincial WHMIS legislation.
  7. The use and reproduction of the Contact North | Contact Nord names, logos and trademarks are governed by Contact North | Contact Nord who shall approve all products using the names, logos or trademarks of Contact North | Contact Nord prior to commencement of any work. All ideas, art and software paid for by Contact North | Contact Nord shall become the sole and exclusive property of Contact North | Contact Nord and are to be delivered or returned upon request.
  8. Vendors outside of Canada shall provide Canada Customs invoices with fully completed, acceptable shipment documentation for Contact North | Contact Nord’s customs broker.


  1. Time is of the essence and all goods and services shall be delivered in strict accordance with the delivery dates specified, the quantities specified and the requirements of this Purchase Order and attached specifications (if any).
  2. The goods are subject to inspection and approval following delivery for a period of not less than sixty (60) days notwithstanding prior payment. In the event any goods are rejected by Contact North | Contact Nord, in its sole discretion, such goods shall be returned at the Vendor’s expense and the Vendor shall credit Contact North l Contact Nord accordingly within fifteen (15) days of return of the goods.
  3. Notwithstanding delivery of ordered goods, title to such goods shall remain with the Vendor until Contact North | Contact Nord has inspected and approved the goods or sixty (60) days have passed after delivery without Contact North | Contact Nord rejecting the ordered goods.
  4. The Vendor covenants that any goods, materials and equipment supplied pursuant to this Purchase Order are new, unused, free of defects or deficiencies in design, materials or workmanship, conforming to all Manufacturer and Contact North | Contact Nord specifications, and are fit for their ordinary purpose, unless Contact North | Contact Nord has made a particular purpose known to the Vendor, in which event the goods shall be fit for that particular purpose as well.
  5. The Vendor covenants that all goods, materials and equipment supplied pursuant to this Purchase Order are warranted as described in Condition 4 for a period of not less than one (1) full year from date of delivery to Contact North | Contact Nord, notwithstanding any Contact North | Contact Nord inspections, testing, approval, acceptance or payment for the goods, materials or equipment, unless otherwise stated on the Purchase Order itself.
  6. In the event of any breach of warranty at law or pursuant to this Purchase Order by the Vendor, at any time during the one-year warranty period, the vendor shall, at Contact North | Contact Nord’s option, repair the goods, materials or equipment or replace same with an equivalent or better product at no additional cost to Contact North | Contact Nord within fifteen (15) days of Contact North | Contact Nord’s notification to do so.
  7. For the services, the Vendor shall:
    • perform all work in a good and workmanlike manner to the full satisfaction of Contact North | Contact Nord;
    • obtain and maintain full adequate insurance covering performance of the work, which is to be available to Contact North | Contact Nord upon request;
    • Obtain and maintain Worker’s Safety Insurance Board coverage and provide both WSIB number and proof of satisfactory standing to Contact North | Contact Nord upon request; and
    • Comply with all applicable policies, procedures, guidelines, and rules of Contact North | Contact Nord.
  8. The Vendor may not assign or subcontract this Purchase Order or any subsequent contract arising therefrom without the prior written permission of Contact North | Contact Nord.
  9. The Vendor shall provide the goods and services in strict compliance with all laws, regulations, codes and standards of Canada, at the sole cost of the Vendor.
  10. The Vendor shall indemnify and save harmless Contact North | Contact Nord, its officers, Board of Governors, employees, contractors, students and agents from and against all actions, suits, claims, damages, causes of action, demands, penalties, fines cost and expenses including legal fees or other proceedings of any kind or nature directly or indirectly arising out of any breach or inaccuracy of any representation, warranty or covenant, performance of the service or supply of the goods, including but not limited to personal injuries to anyone, breach or alleged breach or intellectual property laws, environmental non-compliance, product liability and property damage.
  11. These Standard Terms and Conditions are meant to supplement, but not supersede, the terms and conditions of any competitive bid document, contract or agreement. In the event of a conflict or inconsistency, the terms and conditions of the competitive bid document contract or agreement, will govern.
  12. This Agreement is to be construed and governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario and federal laws of Canada applicable therein.

Ontario Broader Public Sector (BPS) Supply Chain Code of Ethics

Goal: To ensure an ethical, professional, and accountable BPS supply chain.

I. Personal Integrity and Professionalism

Individuals involved with supply chain activities must act, and be seen to act, with integrity and professionalism. Honesty, care, and due diligence must be integral to all supply chain activities within and between BPS organizations, suppliers and vendors. Respect must be demonstrated for each other and for the environment. Confidential information must be safeguarded. Participants must not engage in any activity that may create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest, such as accepting gifts or favours, providing preferential treatment, or publicly endorsing suppliers or products.

II. Accountability and Transparency

Supply chain activities must be open and accountable. In particular, purchasing and contracting activities must be fair, transparent and conducted with a view to obtaining the best value for public money. All participants must ensure that public sector resources are used in a responsible, efficient, and effective manner.

III. Compliance and Continuous Improvement

Individuals involved with purchasing or other Supply Chain Activities must comply with this Code of Ethics and the laws of Canada and Ontario. Individuals should continuously work to improve supply chain policies and procedures, to improve their supply chain knowledge and skill levels, and to share leading practices.